From the first female member of the House of Representatives (1917) to the appointment of Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court bench (1981), women attaining positions of legal authority have only occurred within the last few generations. Those at the top are keenly aware of persistent inequalities, but changing the patriarchal system from within has proved slow and arduous. The problem is that even the lucky ones are still operating within a system that was created by and for men.
It proves that some of us are lucky,” acclaimed author Roxane Gay reminds us in her seminal work, Bad Feminist. “Some women being empowered does not prove the patriarchy is dead. This conversation will appear in Document’s upcoming Fall/Winter 2019 issue, available for pre-order now. The women discuss the 2020 candidates, reproductive freedom, sci-fi matriarchies, and the power of female anger for Document's Fall/Winter 2019 issue.